Happy Monday! Does daylight savings mess with you every. single. year???? It always throws me for a loop! I actually don’t mind it for the first few days. I feel more energized in the mornings and am usually very productive in the beginning. But after my body adjusts, I just hate when it gets dark so early! Anyway, today I threw on a really casual, comfortable outfit. I had a ton to accomplish and have been feeling like I’m in a creative rut lately, so I just wanted to wear something comforting and versatile.
We have a lot of traveling coming up in the next few weeks, so I have to keep myself really disciplined in order to accomplish all my client work AND blog work. I always have to put my clients first, so I get really sad when I’m not able to also give my blog the time that it deserves. I’ve been making very strict daily schedules for myself and so far, it’s gone really well! I say that as I’m typing this blog post at almost 8pm, LOL. But I’m so happy I’ve made it this far in my day without crashing!
Keeping these really strict schedules are so important for me as the holiday season ramps up. I use a desk calendar to view my month as a whole. This way, I’m able to pencil in both client deliverables and blog content. Every evening, I make a daily to-do list for the following day to keep myself on track. I’ve used digital programs/calendars before, but there’s just noting quite like physically writing everything out.
This method has always been my go-to and don’t think I’ll ever change!