Hi! I recently did a brief Q&A on my Instagram stories, but I thought I would elaborate on these details about me here on my blog.
What is your coffee order?
During the week I have espresso with oat milk. I have a Nespresso machine and I really love it. Sometimes if I’m feeling extra, I’ll add a tsp of sugar and a splash of vanilla. On weekends when I’m out and about, I get Starbucks as a treat. I typically get either the pumpkin cream cold brew or the vanilla sweet cream cold brew. If I want something warm, I’ll get a hot coffee with SF vanilla.
What are your favorite affordable stores?
I love H&M for all things basics. Most of my wardrobe is basics, so I shop here a lot haha. I love having mostly basic pieces because it makes it so easy to pull outfits together and add fancy pops with accessories. H&M basics are versatile, but typically have some sort of differentiator whether it is some texture, weave, or updated silhouette for classic staples. Abercrombie is great for simple basics and denim. They have great sales; I recommend snagging pieces early during A&F sales though, because things always sell out fast. Other faves are Target, Amazon, and Zara!
What is your work background?
Oh boy, this could be a long one. Maybe I’ll write a separate blog post with all the details. In a nutshell, I went to school for fashion and worked in social media and at Ulta beauty throughout college. These were 2 separate part time jobs. After graduating, I moved up to Michigan to work as a design & marketing manager for outdoor furniture & decor for several years. My 2020 stir craze led me to begin taking on freelance social media management jobs on the side of my full time job. In 2021, I grew my business to a place where I knew I was ready to make the leap out of corporate and into self employment. I haven’t looked back since! I now run my digital marketing agency full time. Feel free to visit my company’s website if you’re curious to learn more: sethnasocial.com
Tips on getting started with social media management?
Just start! I am obsessed with Barbara Corcoran and she once said something that stuck with me forever. She said that the most important first step is just to start. Don’t wait until you feel like you have it all “figured out” because you never will! As a business owner you will always be learning and pushing your boundaries of comfort. Think about what you’re currently qualified to offer as a service and start there! Start small with just a couple of clients and take on more as you go. I share social media biz tips on my Sethna Social TikTok account and Instagram account, follow me there for more!
What are your diet and exercise habits?
I try to walk as much as I can. I’ve also been getting into yoga more lately! I rally need to set more of a schedule for myself to continue doing yoga more. I really like the mental clarity I get from it.
For diet, I just wrote a detailed blog post last week! Click here to read 🙂
How is the kitchen update going?
It’s good! Of course these things always take longer than we would hope. We’re 50% complete! The most difficult thing for us is making a decision on materials and where to buy them from. But we have all of that figure out so it’s just a matter of getting it done at this point. We have the countertops, sink, and plumbing all checked off the list. The cabinets are half way done. We’re keeping the bases which is why we were able to have the countertop installed, but we still need to reface the front and attach the new doors. We’re doing the backsplash ourselves so hopefully that should be done before Thanksgiving! Then the final piece of the puzzle will be the flooring.
Are you going on any trips soon?
Nothing out of state is officially planned right now. We have a couple of small trips within the state planned before the end of the year. But I’d love to go back to Arizona or Miami sometime soon.
That’s all for now! It was really fun doing this Q&A though. If you’re one of my blog readers but not yet following me on IG, give me a follow! I share more “in the moment” type of daily updates and love to chat with you guys there. 💛 -Cassie