Lately I’ve been rethinking what self care looks like for me. Before COVID, I had a pretty regular routine that helped me focus on self-love. However, like many of you, COVID brought me tons of ups and downs over the last 1.5 years.
Falling out of my self care routine for awhile allowed me to rethink how I approach self care and understand why it is so important to begin with. During the times that I wasn’t following practices of self love, I felt down and less motivated to do things that typically bring joy.
I want to share these with you in case you might be in a rut like I was or if you just need ideas on how to spice up your self love approach to be your best self!
Self Affirmations and Manifestation: The term “manifestation” is thrown around so much these days, but I truly believe in its power! Set big goals for yourself and then break those into smaller, more achievable short-term goals and actions. Write down your intentions at the start of every day to set the pace and tone for your future. If you’re intentional and conscious of how you want your time to be spent, it will naturally all fall into place. Affirmations will also help keep you grounded and confident. I look into the mirror and I say a few empowering phrases like “I am capable, I am successful” etc. Find words that work for you and build yourself up!
The “Hot Girl Walk”: Have you heard of this one? I learned about this on TikTok (lol) but it seriously works! A “hot girl walk” is a walk that you go on while listening to motivating music or an inspiring podcast. While you’re walking, meditate on your goals and even repeat those affirmations we just talked about. Get your steps in, get your body moving, and get your creativity flowing. Some of my best ideas were thought up during hot girl walks!
Switch up your Skincare Routine: Or if you don’t already have a solid skincare routine, then implement one! It doesn’t have to be anything crazy. But having a few simple steps dedicated to looking yourself in the mirror and performing a physical act of self-improvement will help your overall self worth. Treating your body with love and care will help you appreciate it so much more and be thankful for what it is, rather than hating it for what it is not. My skincare routine right now is very simple; just a face wash, toner, then sunscreen/moisturizer for the day. But it’s so helpful to start my day on a note of self-love.
Be A Little Selfish… Sometimes!: Yeah! Sometimes it’s okay to be a little selfish! Have you had a stressful week? Feeling overwhelmed with random life things? Take some time to think of only yourself and do whatever it is that YOU want to do. Obviously, don’t be rude or do anything that will hurt others. But if the thought of leaving the house after a stressful week gives you major anxiety, then just stay inside and do something to make yourself happy! Be an advocate for yourself and give your body and mind what it needs rather than stretching it thin. It’s okay to tell people no and if they are true friends/family, they will understand! Just be sure to give others the same understanding that you want in return ❤️
Celebrate Little Wins: Give👏🏼 yourself 👏🏼 credit! 👏🏼 While you are working toward your larger goals, celebrate the little successes along the way. I have been trying to be more conscious of this myself, trying to just enjoy the journey a little more. Keep a running list of all the little things you accomplish to look back on whenever you need a little pick-me-up. And along the way, do a little something special to celebrate those small wins instead of waiting for the big thing to happen. There is no time like the present. It will make the journey to the big goal a lot more enjoyable if you give yourself some credit for making progress. Grab a margarita, share dinner with a friend, take a day trip somewhere new within your city, just do something little to celebrate YOU!
Express Gratitude: Think about how far you have come and all the good things you have accomplished to get to where you are today. Be grateful for the things that you DO have rather than being sad or envious of the things that you DON’T have. Shift your focus to the positive side of things and be grateful that YOU have brought yourself to where you are today. Your brain will naturally train itself over time to see the positives in every situation, which will manifest into your reality.
Do you do any of these things already? I hope you find this helpful and even if I’ve sparked just one new idea of self love for you, then I’m a happy girl! Any questions, just ask below or shoot me a DM on Instagram 💛 – Cassie
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